
The 80/20 Solution provides practical tips on practical themes. It's named after the 80/20 rule which generally states 80% of the results are from 20% of the effort. That's the point of The 80/20 Solution - to give you most of what you need without much work. The 80/20 Solution targets audiences looking for general to intermediate information. The 80/20 Solution provides useful tips on a specific theme - you'll be informed and ready to immediately apply what you learned. New ParentIf you are - or you're expecting to be - a new parent… congratulations! You probably have a ton of thoughts, emotions, concerns, etc. running through your head. That's where this 80/20 Solution can help. This 80/20 Solution is for you because it'll put the big things in perspective while giving you ideas to be a better parent and make your life a little easier. This 80/20 Solution is also for you if you're asking the following questions…How do I be a good mom/dad or new parent How can I learn more about being a new parent and what advice can you give me How can I make my life as a new parent easier or more efficient What changes do I need to make when I become a new parent What's the best way to deal with money and a new baby I'm not going to lie to you, being a parent is a lot of work. It changes your life. It takes a lot of time and it can be stressful. It's also extremely rewarding and fun. It somehow manages to make your life simultaneously boring and exciting - you stay home a lot but the time flies. That being said, most new parents can use a little help and that's where this 80/20 Solution comes in handy. This 80/20 Solution is going to focus on trying (making an effort makes a big difference!), doing your homework, getting efficient, changing your life and keeping money in mind.


Roberto Carlos

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