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Roberto Carlos

Something Special


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Winner of the Adelaide Festival Literary Award for Young Adult Fiction, 2012. Over the nine days before her seventeenth birthday, Mim's life turns upside down. In the end, the same things look entirely different. Rule number one: I will not turn out like my mother. Mim knows what she wants, and where she wants to go. Anywhere but home-in a dead suburb and with a mother who won't get off the couch. Her two older brothers are in prison, so now Mim has to retrieve a lost package for her mother. Does this make her a drug runner? She's set herself rules to live by, but she's starting to break them. And she can't seem to find answers to all the new questions: Why is the monster dog Gargoyle hidden in the back shed? Why is the boy she sent Valentines to for years now suddenly a creep? And who is the mysterious girl next door who moans at night? Vikki Wakefield's first young adult novel, All I Ever Wanted, won the 2012 Adelaide Festival Literary Award for Young Adult Fiction, as did her second novel, Friday Brown, in 2014. Friday Brown was also an Honour Book, Children's Book Council of Australia, 2013. Among other awards, it was shortlisted for the prestigious Prime Minister's Awards, 2013. Her new novel, Inbetween Days, will be published in October 2015. Vikki lives in the Adelaide foothills with her family. 'One of the most memorable YA books I've ever read. Original, real, startling and beautiful.' Cath Crowley, author of Graffiti Moon 'One of the best debut novels I have ever had the pleasure of reading. Vikki Wakefield has gifted the Australian Publishing world, and readers of Young Adult Fiction, a superior tale, full to brimming with formidable characters and an exquisite protagonist.' The Book Gryffin 'While it's both a thriller and a gritty romance, for me All I Ever Wanted is first and foremost a sparkling journey into hope. As the story drives toward its surprising conclusion, we're left as stunned as Mim as she discovers "that there are so many ways to tell a


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A coin for passage to your heart's desire," says Agnes, Guardian of the Wishing Well in the village of Bishop Mayne. "That is the first rule." But Nuria doesn't think she needs a wish. Wishing on the Well is dangerous. Wishes often go wrong. That's why there are no other children around. A wish-gone-wrong took them all away. But now, because her grandfather, the Avy, has wished for them to come back, Nuria is sure that the one thing she wants - a friend her own age - will soon be there. "One wish each lifetime," says Agnes. "One cycle of the moon to repent and call it back. That is the second rule." Only a fool would make a wish that needs to be called back, Nuria thinks. But that's before she meets Catty Winter, who cannot walk, whose legs are mysteriously crippled. "Make a wish for me," Catty pleads. And Nuria is tempted. But what if the wish goes wrong? "And for that cycle of the moon your lips are locked in this: To no one may you speak of your wish. To no one but to me, for your wish is my wish too. That is the third rule." Nuria has given little thought to the third rule. But there come moments when she wishes it did not exist. The Wishing Well, she is trickier than anyone has known. The Wishing Well in Bishop Mayne has a mind of its own and creates problems for all who try to use its power. Few have gotten anything but misery from it. Knowing this, however, does not keep Nuria, in a time of dire need, from trying to accomplish what few others have managed. Beauty and greed, warmth and cold, walk hand in hand in this unusual fantasy to create an adventure filled with friendship, challenge, and the magic of love.


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If you were a mouse trapped in a maze and someone kept moving the cheese, what would you do Over a decade ago the bestselling business fable Who Moved My Cheese? offered its answer to this question: accept that change is inevitable and beyond your control, don't waste your time wondering why things are the way they are, keep your head down and start looking for the cheese. But success in the areas of innovation, entrepreneurship, creativity, leadership, and business growth-as well as personal growth-depends on the ability to push the boundaries, reshape the environment, and play by a different set of rules: our own. With that in mind, Harvard Business School professor Deepak Malhotra offers a radically different answer to this question. Malhotra tells an inspiring story about three unique and adventurous mice-Max, Big, and Zed-who refuse to accept their reality as given. As we watch their lives unfold and intersect, we discover that instead of just blindly chasing after the cheese, each of us has the ability to escape the maze or even reconfigure it to our liking. In the face of established practices, traditional ideas, scarce resources, and the powerful demands or expectations of others, we often underestimate our ability to control our own destiny and overcome the constraints we face-or think we face. I Moved Your Cheese reminds us that we can create the new circumstances and realities we want, but first we must discard the often deeply ingrained notion that we are nothing more than mice in someone else's maze. As Zed explains, "You see, Max, the problem is not that the mouse is in the maze, but that the maze is in the mouse."Every once in a while a book comes along that makes you question the way things are. This is the book. Deepak Malhotra allows you to glimpse a world of your own making without the limits and barriers that others create. An excellent read.


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Losing weight is really a very simple and uncomplicated process. There are only three basic rules which you must follow: Rule Number One: You must minimize your consumption of foods that are void of color or that grow below ground. Rule Number Two: You must "refine" less "fuel" than your body uses. Rule Number Three: You must avoid what I call the "Deprivation Syndrome" by eating a minimum of three proper meals per day and by selecting one day per week as a "Free Day" to eat anything that you want. These three rules served as guides during the approximately twenty years of research and development for this cookbook. If you will use the specified ingredients, prepare the dishes as instructed and eat only the foods listed in this cookbook, you should lose as much weight as you want like many others have done. All too often, diet "gurus" will explain, in detail, their theories but leave you with the question, "But what do I eat?" I have chosen to take the opposite approach by providing you with dozens of delicious weight loss recipes, without the technical jargon, along with an extensive list of permitted and color-coded foods from which you may choose. When I learned about the culprits that were making me fat, I researched recipes in hundreds of cookbooks, but rarely found a single one that was not loaded with an excessive amount of fat-producing elements. Therefore, I began the time-consuming process of developing and testing my own recipes that excluded the use of most such elements. Although some of the recipes in this cookbook do contain small amounts of carbohydrates, the amounts are insignificant, and therefore non-fattening, when considered in relation to the sum of all the ingredients in the recipe. Also, some carbohydrates become non-fattening when combined with certain other ingredients. This complex combining factor has also been incorporated into the recipes through a color-coding system for your convenience. In summary my proven weight loss theories have been i


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A beautiful and compelling novel, Elif Shafak's The Gaze considers the damage which can be inflicted by our simple desire to look at others "I didn't say anything. I didn't return his smiles. I looked at him in the wide mirror in front of where I was sitting. He grew uncomfortable and avoided my eyes. I hate those who think fat people are stupid.' An obese woman and her lover, a dwarf, are sick of being stared at wherever they go, and so decide to reverse roles. The man goes out wearing make up and the woman draws a moustache on her face. But while the woman wants to hide away from the world, the man meets the stares from passers-by head on, compiling his 'Dictionary of Gazes' to explore the boundaries between appearance and reality. Intertwined with the story of a bizarre freak-show organised in Istanbul in the 1880s, The Gaze considers the damage which can be inflicted by our simple desire to look at others. "Beautifully evoked" - The Times "Original and Compelling" - TLS "Plays with ideas of beauty and ugliness like they're Rubik's cubes" - Helen Oyeyemi "Entertaining and affecting" - Publishers' Weekly Elif Shafak is the acclaimed author of The Bastard of Istanbul and The Forty Rules of Love and is the most widely read female novelist in Turkey. Her work has been translated into more than thirty languages. She is a contributor for The Telegraph, Guardian and the New York Times and her TED talk on the politics of fiction has received 500 000 viewers since July 2010. She is married with two children and divides her time between Istanbul and London.


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He was fated for another, but created to love her. Decreed by Elders, alpha Jaguar Shifters Lyon Savage and his brother must decide Pride rule in a way not seen for centuries. Under a Shifter's Moon, a mating can take place with a chosen human to produce a child, and the father of that child will become the one Alpha. Now Lyon must choose the love of his Truemate-or accept the decree to save his Pride and secure his future. Strong and selfless, Kitlene is a rare woman whose blood, like her niece's, carries something of the Shifter within its DNA. Willing to sacrifice herself for the sake of family, she offers herself to the Alpha Cat whose very presence pulls at her soul-and whose love brings with it a deadly complication. Reviews and Other Information:"With a smooth style that immediately engages the reader, and strong, visual world-building, Kari Thomas pulls you into her edgy story of shifter twins and their battle to survive and rule. Remember her name. Clearly, she is a rising star in the paranormal genre worthy of notice."DeborahMacGillivray, award-winning author ofOne Snowy Knight"Paranormal romance author Kari Thomas really turns up the heat and keeps it burning with every growl and lick in UNDER A SHIFTERS MOON! In my opinion, her best to date, this book is a fast-paced ride through the dangerous lives of a Shifter Jaguar and his Truemate. Be prepared to be scorched with the sensual love story that will remain in your heart and mind for a long time!"Author Amber Polo


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The Art of Agile Development contains practical guidance for anyone considering or applying agile development for building valuable software. Plenty of books describe what agile development is or why it helps software projects succeed, but very few combine information for developers, managers, testers, and customers into a single package that they can apply directly. This book provides no-nonsense advice on agile planning, development, delivery, and management taken from the authors' many years of experience with Extreme Programming (XP). You get a gestalt view of the agile development process, including comprehensive guidance for non-technical readers and hands-on technical practices for developers and testers. The Art of Agile Development gives you clear answers to questions such as: How can we adopt agile development Do we really need to pair program What metrics should we report What if I can't get my customer to participate How much documentation should we write When do we design and architect As a non-developer, how should I work with my agile team Where is my product roadmap How does QA fit in The book teaches you how to adopt XP practices, describes each practice in detail, then discusses principles that will allow you to modify XP and create your own agile method. In particular, this book tackles the difficult aspects of agile development: the need for cooperation and trust among team members. Whether you're currently part of an agile team, working with an agile team, or interested in agile development, this book provides the practical tips you need to start practicing agile development. As your experience grows, the book will grow with you, providing exercises and information that will teach you first to understand the rules of agile development, break them, and ultimately abandon rules altogether as you master the art of agile development."Jim Shore and Shane Warden expertly explain the practices and benefits of Extreme Programming. They offer advic.


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Nathan, please, I haven't done anything!" She called out, tears coming to her eyes, remembering how bad the last beating felt. He pulled off his belt, and she knew immediately this was going to be the implement of choice. "Three….two…" She immediately stripped and laid across the bed. "Did someone come and see you today? Don't you dare lie to me, because you're already at thirty, and every lie will go up twenty." "Yes sir. She asked…" A sharp pain went across her upper thighs and she screamed out and immediately put her hands over her thighs crying. "I see we've forgotten all of the rules." She immediately laid back flat, but continued to cry, silently begging that he just make it quick. She knew thirty of those were going to be hard to get through. "Now… tell me everything that was said." Laying in that vulnerable position, and knowing she was about to get punished, Susan said every single word. When she was finished, he laid the belt across her bare bottom. "That's a good girl. I just wanted to know what was said, because that woman pulled me out of work to ask me if I ever put my hands on you. She said that you said no, but I wanted to make sure. You lay here and think about what will happen to you and I am going to eat and figure out if you deserve those thirty. I'll be back when I'm finished. You move, and it's fifty." Nathan went and ate the dinner she had prepared. When he came back, he grabbed the belt. Susan held her breath, until she felt the first swat. "Ten, just to remember what your place is, and what will happen if you ever leave or tell anyone. I will find you, tie you up, and one hundred swats, is where I'll start.


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The 80/20 Solution provides practical tips on practical themes. It's named after the 80/20 rule which generally states 80% of the results are from 20% of the effort. That's the point of The 80/20 Solution - to give you most of what you need without much work. The 80/20 Solution targets audiences looking for general to intermediate information. The 80/20 Solution provides useful tips on a specific theme - you'll be informed and ready to immediately apply what you learned. Getting Out of DebtIf you're trying to get out of debt, you could probably use some help and encouragement. First of all, I congratulate you on the effort - it's noble and practical. Secondly, this 80/20 Solution can help (you should also read The 80/20 Solution for saving money!). Getting out of debt isn't complex. The main things you need are determination, organization and a good game plan. You'll have to supply the determination. However, this 80/20 Solution is for you because it'll give you the organization and the game plan! This 80/20 Solution is also for you if you're asking the following questions…How do I get out of debt How can I better organize my finances How can I make more money, increase my cash flow and keep more of the money I make What's the best process to pay down debt What's the best way to build wealth Let's face it, a lot of people are in debt. If you include mortgage debt, how many people do you know that are truly out of debt? I bet it's not many. Debt is stressful and it's controlling. It's not fun knowing you have to work to pay others. Wouldn't you rather work to pay yourself? The great thing is that you can! With some basic knowledge and tools, you can set a course to get yourself out of debt and stay out of debt. This 80/20 Solution is going to focus on creating a sustainable budget, increasing your "take home" cash flow, the best method to pay off your debt and staying out of future debt.


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*Please note that this title was originally released as a short read serial. It is now here, packaged together as a whole for over 60% off the original price. STREET URCHIN RULE NUMBER 21:You got time to lean, you got time to scheme. After Richard Lionhart catches Robin Lockslay (hacker and street urchin extraordinaire) stealing his family heirlooms, he hires her to ferret out corporate espionage at his charitable foundation in the heart of Nottingham City. Two years later Richard goes missing, and Robin join forces with some light fingered friends - Scarlett Wilson, Allana Dale, Jonina Little and the gallant Marius Day - in the hopes of staging an unbelievable rescue. But can she solve the mystery, thwart her dashing but sometimes unwanted suitors, avoid eviction, and save the poor. all without being arrested A fun, modern day, gender bending twist on the classic Robin Hood tale. In Robin's own words. Nominative determinism. It's a real thing, I kid you not. It's the theory that a person's name has inevitable power over the choices they make in life. So, when you hear my name is Robin Lockslay and I break locks, well, you can make up your own mind. It's not like the first moment I understood what slay and lock meant, I gravitated toward a hairpin and shoved it in a padlock. Ha! No. There were a series of unfortunate events that led to the most complicated moment of my year. A moment where I ran for my life down the tarmac toward a private jet with the son of a billionaire and a case of stolen diamonds.


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Thank God for Faust. I can always get off thinking about him. It was right then-with my recess yet dripping, and the young man beside me still trying to catch his breath-that a thought suddenly occurred to me. Actually, it was more of a realization. A jarring realization. A disturbing one. Certainly unexpected. Unanticipated. Unplanned. Unprofessional. Perhaps improper. Inappropriate. Ill timed. Yet hardly inconceivable. When I'm in my room… When I'm out… When I'm shopping… When I'm dancing… When I'm in bed… When I'm in bed with another man… Whenever, wherever, regardless of the situation…my mind invariably strays to the same place-Faust. Oh, my god. Faust! Oh-my-god! My head began to whirl. The thoughts were flooding in. Why hadn't I recognized it before? This man who taught me, teased me, tormented me, terrorized me even…he somehow invaded my heart. Now it was all so clear. The reason I wanted so much to please him…wanted to make him proud of me…wanted not to make him angry-it was all because I wanted him.I was grateful that only ten minutes after we finished having sex, Hermann was dressed and ready to leave. According to him, he had already pushed his luck by staying out as late as he had. There were rules about what time he needed to retire to his quarters. Yet he quickly added that he wasn't the least bit sorry about his being out so late.I was still nude when my sexually satiated lieutenant made motions toward exiting. I got up from the bed and accompanied him to the door. My brain was still swimming, and notions of propriety simply weren't pushing themselves to the forefront as I turned the doorknob and pulled it inward. Besides, it was now so late that I could count on there being no one in the corridor at that hour. Even more than that, based on what I had just done and what I had just come to realize about myself, I just didn't let my state of undress faze me in the least. The door was wide open. I was naked. Hermann's mouth was agape. He gave a quick look into


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The 80/20 Solution provides practical tips on practical themes. It's named after the 80/20 rule which generally states 80% of the results are from 20% of the effort. That's the point of The 80/20 Solution - to give you most of what you need without much work. The 80/20 Solution targets audiences looking for general to intermediate information. The 80/20 Solution provides useful tips on a specific theme - you'll be informed and ready to immediately apply what you learned. New ParentIf you are - or you're expecting to be - a new parent… congratulations! You probably have a ton of thoughts, emotions, concerns, etc. running through your head. That's where this 80/20 Solution can help. This 80/20 Solution is for you because it'll put the big things in perspective while giving you ideas to be a better parent and make your life a little easier. This 80/20 Solution is also for you if you're asking the following questions…How do I be a good mom/dad or new parent How can I learn more about being a new parent and what advice can you give me How can I make my life as a new parent easier or more efficient What changes do I need to make when I become a new parent What's the best way to deal with money and a new baby I'm not going to lie to you, being a parent is a lot of work. It changes your life. It takes a lot of time and it can be stressful. It's also extremely rewarding and fun. It somehow manages to make your life simultaneously boring and exciting - you stay home a lot but the time flies. That being said, most new parents can use a little help and that's where this 80/20 Solution comes in handy. This 80/20 Solution is going to focus on trying (making an effort makes a big difference!), doing your homework, getting efficient, changing your life and keeping money in mind.


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The 80/20 Solution provides practical tips on practical themes. It's named after the 80/20 rule which generally states 80% of the results are from 20% of the effort. That's the point of The 80/20 Solution - to give you most of what you need without much work. The 80/20 Solution targets audiences looking for general to intermediate information. The 80/20 Solution provides useful tips on a specific theme - you'll be informed and ready to immediately apply what you learned. Choosing a CollegeIf you're looking at colleges, starting to think about college, or know anyone who is, this 80/20 Solution is for you! This 80/20 Solution is also for you if you're asking the following questions…What's the best college/school for me What major should I study in college/school Can I afford to go to college How am I going to pay off my student loans/debt Am I going to make enough money to pay my student loans/debt Choosing a college is one of the most significant decisions you'll make. It's going to give you the education you'll use to get a job and learn more about the world. It's also a place where you'll make lasting friendships as you grow from adolescence to adulthood. It's a decision you don't want to make lightly and it's one you should think about from a number of different angles. Student debt and the usefulness of degrees is a big topic these days and something to strongly consider as you jump into your secondary education. This 80/20 Solution is going to focus on what to study, where to study and the cost/benefit ratio of your degree and school.


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The 80/20 Solution provides practical tips on practical themes. It's named after the 80/20 rule which generally states 80% of the results are from 20% of the effort. That's the point of The 80/20 Solution - to give you most of what you need without much work. The 80/20 Solution targets audiences looking for general to intermediate information. The 80/20 Solution provides useful tips on a specific theme - you'll be informed and ready to immediately apply what you learned. InterviewingIf you're in the job market, you need to be good at interviewing to get the job you want (to get started with the job hunting process, make sure to read The 80/20 Solution for resume writing!). This 80/20 Solution is for you because you're going to learn how to dazzle the company with your impressive interviewing skills! This 80/20 Solution is also for you if you're asking the following questions…How do I improve my interviewing skills How should I answer interview questions What interview questions are most common What is some common interviewing advice How do I ace my interview A lot of people get stressed out over interviewing because they don't know what questions are going to be asked or how to properly interact with the interviewer. If I can give you one piece of information, it's to make the interview a conversation - you're interviewing the company just as much as the company is interviewing you. That, however, makes it a little too simple, so I have a number of tips and tricks for you to use. This 80/20 Solution is going to focus on the standard interview questions and knowing how to prepare for and answer those questions. This 80/20 Solution is also going to give you advice on the questions you should ask and how to market yourself.


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