
Young professor Ainsley Shaner has a new job at a new university and a secret past she must hide. But when she confronts two star football players about their cheating, they turn the tables on her and reveal that they know all about her sordid, steamy history. In order to protect her secret, she'll have to strip bare and submit to the two demanding college studs. Will she be able to give the boys everything they demand? And when her sexy past catches up with her, will she ever want to stop ExcerptWhen Brad tossed the pictures onto my desk with a shit-eating grin, it took me a moment to realize what they were: photos of me, from years ago, at a sex club."What? Where-?" I stammered. My fury evaporated in an instant, replaced with mounting panic. I snatched up the pile and leafed through them. Brad and Danny stifled laughter, but gave me time to let it all sink in. They were low quality printouts from some website, and my hair was a different color and length now than it was when these were taken, but the woman was definitely me. When I was in grad school, I was far more wild, and my then boyfriend and I went to a local sex club a couple times. They had a strict no camera policy, but obviously someone broke the rules. The top picture, while the most innocent of the bunch, was still plenty incriminating; it was of me, wearing a tight corset and a skirt so short it didn't even hide my lacy panties, dancing between two men who had their hands all over me. They progressed from there, with me wearing less and less, and doing more and more. In the last one, I was wearing nothing but a collar and a leash, blowing my boyfriend while a stranger held the leash and took me from behind, thrusting his glistening cock deep into my pussy. Despite my panic at learning these photos were floating out in public somewhere, I was surprised at how turned on I was. These nights in the club were incredibly exciting, but I left that part of my life behind me when I moved out here for this job. A


Roberto Carlos

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