
The 80/20 Solution provides practical tips on practical themes. It's named after the 80/20 rule which generally states 80% of the results are from 20% of the effort. That's the point of The 80/20 Solution - to give you most of what you need without much work. The 80/20 Solution targets audiences looking for general to intermediate information. The 80/20 Solution provides useful tips on a specific theme - you'll be informed and ready to immediately apply what you learned. Cultured on the Cheap If you're looking to get a little more cultured, maybe to impress at your high school reunion or even to do better at the local pub quiz event, this 80/20 Solution is for you. This 80/20 Solution is also for you if you're asking the following questions… How do I get more cultured? How do I learn more about the world without spending a lot of money? How can I be a better conversationalist? What are the best places to travel, the best movies to watch, the best books to read, the best music to listen to, the best plays and operas to watch? How can I impress others with my knowledge of culture? Getting cultured can mean a lot of different things to different people. It usually consists of a broader knowledge of the world and being aware of what some people call the "finer things in life". As such, this 80/20 Solution is going to focus on travel, geography, movies, books, history, classical music, art, plays, operas and food. It's also going to focus on how you can learn about these things - how you can get cultured - for very little money.


Roberto Carlos

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