*READ ME* INGREDIENS: Lettuce Cherry Tomatoes (or normal ones) Chicken (or turkey) Mozzarella Olives (optional) Soy sauce (optional) Mustard (optional) Salad dressing or vinegar (I'm using Aceto Balsamico) Salt Pepper Additional spices such as garlic, parsley, oregano... HOW TO: Marinade the chicken with olive oil, parsley, oregano, salt, papper, garlic, soy sauce and mustard, let it stay like that for at least 15 minutes, but the longer the better (max. 3 hours) Put lettuce in a bowl. Cut tomatoes, mozzarella and olives and mix them along with the lettuce. Spice with salt, vinegar and olive oil (soy sauce&garlic - optional) Grill your chicken (5-6 minutes on each side) and when it's done, cut it and put in your salad. Done! Bon appetite! ♥ Next in 'The Cooking Nook': 5 minute chocolate cake ♥ ~so make sure you subscribe~


Freddie San

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