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Freddie San

Nice Soup - Spicy Ham and Black Bean Stew, Ham and Black Bean Stew Recipe, Recipe for Ham and Black Bean Stew Perfect for a blustery day, Walter's Spicy Ham and Black Bean Stew is comforting and satisfying - and so easy! Try this delicious soul-satisfying dish and you'll have a new favorite in your arsenal! Walter: Soup. Jan: Good soup. Walter: Is this a day for soup? Jan: Yes. Walter: Before you got here, in this big ol' pot, I put a big onion, some olive oil, cooked that onion, some garlic in it, added some Cajun seasoning. I use VKW's Cajun rub because I like it. Some pepper, hot pepper sauce and all that's been cooking for a while with three cups of stock, chicken stock, and three cups of water. Jan: That smells so good, makes me want to use it for perfume. Walter: Now that may be going a little far, but it's close. Jan: Not in my world. Walter: Yeah. We're going to add some black eyed peas, and 'm using frozen ones. Jan: Always a good thing. Walter: And, by the way, I give specific amounts. Don't get too hung up on that. This is stew not brain surgery. This is some okra, frozen. Why frozen? Because I'm lazy. Jan: You could use fresh though if you wanted to? Walter: I suggest using fresh, if you want to. This is ham. Pre-cut up, in the meat case. Jan: You can get it already cut? Walter: You can get it already cut. Jan: Nice. Walter: Comes in a 12 ounce package, which would really be enough of this. I said a pound, so I bought an 8 ounce package and augmented the two since I do all stews twice. Jan: Yep. Walter: This is a can of diced tomatoes. And see how complicated this is? Jan: Yeah, I'm watching. This is hard work. Walter: And this is some hominy. Now, in truth, if I were doing this at home, I would put in the black eyed peas, let it come back to a simmer, the black eyed peas and ham, let it come back to a simmer, cook for a few minutes and then start adding the rest of this stuff. Jan: Let your flavors come together. Walter: The black eyed peas need a little more cooking than the rest of this stuff, which would kind of lead us into the middle of The Young and the Restless, which is not a good thing. Jan: That wouldn't work here. Walter: Now, some place in this you have to decide how thick you want this when you're finished. If you want it thicker, add another cup of stock, add another cup of water, add another cup of each. Finally, when it's boiling again, this is collard greens. And you can now buy collard greens or kale or some other things in the produce department at Food City pre-washed, pre-chopped up, in a bag, ready to put in your recipe. Jan: And I've got to say, that is a short cut I will use. Walter: It is, well, getting greens cleaned and getting all of the grit off of the greens, gritty greens is not a good idea. Jan: It's not lovely. Walter: Not lovely. And this won't need to cook, once you put the greens in, this will need to cook about half an hour. Now take a look at the centerpiece. This is one of two pretty things we have to show you today. Take a look at the centerpiece. Jan: There was a sneaky tiger in your centerpiece. Walter: Oh, that's both good looking things at one time. We're going very up scale. Look at that soup. I ask you, have you ever seen anything prettier in your life? I bet you'd like to have the recipe and know how to do this, wouldn't you? But it's easy write to Chef's Recipe, 6450 Paper Mill Drive, Knoxville, Tennessee, 37919, sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Or you could just go to our web channel which is FACEBOOK: TWITTER: or: PINTEREST: You can also subscribe via iTunes, and get the latest videos hand delivered - never miss a trick! Also check out The Food City Kitchen on WVLT, for terrific, delicious, practical homestyle cooking: And of course, subscribe here on YouTube, ask a question or leave a good comment below, and THANK YOU for stopping by!


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