Get the full recipe and pictures: (Servings for 2 -- 4) It depends on how much you want to make the buns, 4 large or 8 mini steamed buns, it's up to you. Just follow this step-by-step recipe carefully and make your own Happiness is Homemade. You'll be rewarded with comforting, super soft, fluffy, chewy and tasty Chinese steamed buns. Smile. Cook. Eat. Love » be delicious! Method: For the Steamed Buns Dough: (A) Ingredients: 2 cups plain flour 4 tsp sugar 2 tsp vegetable oil 1 tsp instant dry yeast (Allinson Easy Bake Yeast) 1 cup warm milk (250ml) should be under 38°c 1. Pour a glass of cold milk and put the milk in a microwave to heat it up about 26 seconds. Add 1 teaspoon of sugar and yeast mix well. sit in the oven (26°c degrees) for about 20 minutes or until bubbles arise. 2. In a large bowl, add 2 cups plain flour, 3 teaspoon of sugar, 2 teaspoon oil, add the (1) yeast mixture to the flour and mix together with your spoon. 3. Transfer the soft and sticky dough on a clean, floured work surface then knead well for 5 minutes. covered with a plastic wrap and wet clothes. The fermentation usually takes about an hour, winter time is should be takes more longer. the dough should rise until it is puffy, and double or triple in sized. For the Filling Inside the Buns: (B) Ingredients: 2 tbsp butter (Lurpak butter slightly salted 100g) 2 large sweet potatoes 5 tbsp full cream milk powder 2 tbsp brown or white sugar 2 tbsp condensed milk 1. Heat the butter in a middle large saucepan over low heat, Add diced sweet potatoes and slowly cook until soft. 2. Add 4 tbsp milk powder, 2tbsp brown sugar, and 2 tbsp condensed milk, stirring and well blended. To boil over medium low heat and Simmer until soft or about 35 minutes. It's depends how large you cut your sweet potatoes into chunks. 3. Remove from heat, set aside and leave to cool in the refrigerator or if you want the ''filling paste'' came out super smooth, you can pour into a blender and puree until smooth. Sprinkle some flour on the board surface so the dough won't be sticky and stuck when you knead it. Cut into 4 pieces, roll each piece of dough into a ball, then roll it up like a snail, and roll each portion into a thin circle. Shape each in round balls, then roll into a circle with a rolling pin, with edges thinner than the middle. Wrap a spoonful ''filling'' inside, pinch seam tightly. Place on a greased baking sheet and turn up the edges of the base. Transfer to a steamer, covered for 5 minutes. Add cold water into steamer, steam buns over medium-high heat for 20 minutes rest another 5 minutes. After then, Serve hot and Enjoy! Notes: Everyone's microwave is different. PLEASE UNDERSTAND YOUR MICROWAVE! For the warm milk, when you take the cold milk on your fridge, simply to put in microwave and heat for 26 to 30 seconds (Under 38°c). That is so perfect to put the sugar and yeast together and sit in the oven should be under 38°c for 20 minutes or until bubbles arise. The dough can be used to make ''Mantou'' for any shaped you like. It's a kind of steamed bread. I will show you next time what is the perfect combine to eat with mantou. Hope you guys have a wonderful day and Happy Cooking! Best wishes to you and your family for a Happy holiday season. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2014. Check Out My Channel Page: Yummy treats from Josephine's recipes The Home of Fresh and Yummy Easy Cooking Let's Connect :) # If you have recreated any of my recipes, you can send me some pictures to [email protected] This is a music license (Inspire Acoustic) agreement Capo Productions.


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