
Freddie San

How to Prepare Salad


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Aphex Twin - Rhubarb This is a piece of music that i heard from 'Salad Fingers - Episode 4' and thought it was such an amazing piece of music. It's the kind of music i love which helps you to think and understand and is just so mellow. It almost maks you see in a different way whilst listening to it or makes falling asleep easy and amazing lol. This song to me gives that kind of feeling that you are in a dream or just complete happiness or happy memories even the effect of drugs. The images i have used for this video are places i love to be that help me think and stay with me aswell as images the mind produces that fits with the music. I have just taken it from the episode and looped the first bar of the piece because every other bar has either voice or background sounds so this is not as good quality as on the actual Salad Fingers episode but it's still good enough i have made it 10 minutes because it's the kind of track you want to lay down and to just listen to for ages. It does sound like it's just repeating but i think this sound is just so lovely that it doesn't seem like it's repeating itself because you can't get bored of it atleast that's what i think. I suppose it is quite a simple tune put together with a synth but i just think it's ace This music to me would fit perfectly in a woods in the pooring rain that sounds strange but that's how it'd touch me. Salad Fingers seems to be drug related or atleast thought of whilst the person was on drugs mabe not but it seems which i think is why it seems so random and doesn't make not a lot of sense but after the effect of some drugs you would understand and drugs are what change the mind and affects it in the form of a dream and this music descreibes that feeling for me i feel. There is a simliar peice in the teen Drama 'Skins' Episode 2 where Cassie is on the bus home I think the song alsosounds like two people falling in love - awww lol hope you like this everyone as much as i did any bad comments i will just delete For other good instrumental - Feeling songs as i'v decided to call them without sounding or being emo look for In my videos - Placebo - Secret song - first album Dearly Beloved from Kingdom Hearts And - The innocence of sleep - Placebo all found on youtube soundtrack of my life x


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Click here http://www.cafejanae.com. for more cool health and nutrition information. The perfect dietary addition for you, Seaweed Salad. This Salad is healthy and nutritious. Helps to cleanse the body of toxic pollutants. Specifically, scientific research has demonstrated that these plants, which are abundant in alginic acid, bind with any heavy metals in the intestines, render them indigestible, and cause them to be eliminated from the body. KEYWORDS: seaweed salad recipes nice salad recipes cold salad recipes traditional salad recipes exciting salad recipes salads recipe great salad recipe salads dressings salad dressing homemade salad dressing salad recipes salads recipes interesting salads recipes easy salad recipes for lunch salad recipes for parties different salads recipes seaweed salad dressing recipes salads dressing recipes recipes for salad dressing dressing recipes for salads a healthy salad recipes of salads easy summer salads low fat salads best summer salads vegetable salad dressing easy vegetable salads seaweed salads seaweed salad ingredients Whole food whole food cooking healthy cooking healthy whole food healthy whole food cooking healthy recipes loose weight weight loss weight loss recipes cooking show healthy cooking show get healthy healthy living cooking with beans low fat cooking low sodium cooking sugar free cooking diabetes friendly diet diabetic diet low carb diet healthy heart anti inflammatory diet wheat free gluten free casein free gfcf diet special diet diet live food real food healthy food therapeutic nutrition nutrition therapy eat to live


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ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW IS HERE كل المعلومات عن الوصفة موجودة هنا WHERE ELSE CAN YOU FIND ME? Blog Post about the Nicoise Salad http://thatwasgoodalhamdolillah.blogspot.com/ facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Fatemahisokay Instgram Fatemahisokay Salad Niçoise the ingredients One head of lettuce 2 red peppers 2 large tomatoes 2 pounds of fresh anchovies 1 pound of potatoes 1 pound of beets parsley Olives green and black 1/2 cup of all purpose flour 1/2 cup of semolina flour The vinaigrette 1/2 cup of olive oil 2 tbsp of lemon juice 1 clove of garlic crushed 1/2 tsp of Salt How to Squeeze the juice of a lemon of the cleaned fresh anchovies and sprinkle over about 1 tbp of salt. Mix gently and set aside. Wash and roast the peppers over the flames of a stove top, peel off the skin and cut into strips. Wash the potatoes and the beets and boil till tender and cooked through, peel the skin off and set aside. Wash the lettuce and dry Peel the tomatoes, seed, and quarter Prepare the vinaigrette Mix all the ingredients and whisk till combined. Each apart, Toss the peppers, the tomatoes, and the potatoes and the beets in the vinaigrette while still warm. Lay the anchovies one on top of an other and dredge in a mixture of flour and semolina flour and fry till golden brown. To assemble the plate layer the lettuce leaves on top of the plate and spoon the potato and beet salad. then the peppers, then the tomatoes, add in the fried anchovies on top and then add the olives, the green and the black. سلطة نيسواز بالطريقة المغربية المقادير نصف كيلو بطاطس نصف كيلو شمر حبتين طماطم حبتين فلفل احمر حلو خس حبتان ليمون حامض حبتين ثوم ملح زيتون اخضر و اسود ربع كاس زيت زيتون كزبرة و بقدونس كيلو من سمك الانشوبة ربع كاس طحين و ربع كاس سميد زيت للقلي طريقة التحظير بعد تنظيف السمك و غسله جيدا نضيف عصير حامضة و نصف ملعقة ملح و نخلط برفق حتى يتوزع العصير و الملح جيدا نضع كل سمكة فوق الاخرى نمزج الطحين و السميد جيدا و نمرر السمك فوق الدقيق حتى يتغطى كليا و نضعه جانبا حتى و قت القلي نملا قدر عميق بالماء البارد و نسلق البطاطس و الشمر حتى تنضج نغسل الفلفل و نشويه فوق النار ثم نزيل الجلد و نقطعه الى قطع طويلة نقشر الطماطم و نزيل البذر الداخلي و نقطعها الى ارباع نحظر صلصة الفنكريت في قدر صغير نضيف عصير ليمونة والثوم المبشور ثم الكزبرة و البقدونس المفروم و زيت الزيتون و نمزج جيدا نقشر البطاطا و الشمر و نقطعهما قطع صغيرة نضيف حوالي ثلاث ملاعق من الصلصة الى البطاطا و الشمرو نمزج جيدا نضيف كل من الفلفل المشوي و الطماطم الى الصلصة كلا على حدا نقلي سمك الانشوبة في زيت حار حتى ينضج و يتحمر نغسل الخس جيدا و ننشفه لتقديم السلطة فوق طبق التقديم نفرش اوراق الخس و نضع فوقه سلطة البطاطا و الشمر ثم الطماطم و الفلفل و اخيرا السمك المقلي فوقه و نضيف الزيتون الاخضر و الاسود و تقدم


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