
The premise of this training guide and manual is not based on workouts alone, but on educating the Body of Christ at large about the proper way to have life and life more abundantly according to God's Word. My entire adult life has been devoted to improving my mind, body and spirit, but the only way my Life-Style can be balanced is by ensuring that my Immune System protects me against any form of disease, such as High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Hypertension, High Cholesterol, etc. Now, I don't claim that with this Life-Style change you will live any longer than the next person, but what I am attempting to convey is that with change you live much healthier, have more energy, and be more alert to enjoy the many blessings that the LORD has promised in HIS Word! The reality is that you do not have to use steroids or muscle enhancing drugs (steroid derivatives) to achieve a great body, so stop listening to those "so-called" personal trainers who are just trying to sell you those expensive training sessions looking like they eat cheeseburgers and french-fries for breakfast, lunch and dinner! If a trainer's body does not appear as though he/she works out regularly or they look like they came straight out of a fitness magazine, be careful because all that glitters isn't gold! And it doesn't matter what that certificate says on their office wall, or how many hours of personal training time they have because when these "so-called" personal trainers tell you that they want to "design a program specifically for you and your needs," ask yourself how in the world do they know it works if they have never tried it for themselves WE DON'T ASK A POOR MAN HOW TO GET RICH, SO BE WEARY OF THOSE WHO CANNOT DEMONSTRATE THEIR OWN CLAIMS!


Johnny Brian

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