
Book Summary My desire and intent in writing this book is to capture in print and with photographs; glimpses of my younger years during the great depression and share it with my readers. Being born and raised on a farm in rural Mississippi I strive to share the good and bad times I experienced as a young lad in a time when we had lots of love for family, love and respect for God and Country but precious little financial resources. The book covers a span of time from my early childhood years thru my teenage years. I also want to acquaint the younger generations and others less familiar with the agricultural lifestyle about the tools and practices that were common during the depression years. This background taught me a great deal about the value of hard work, perseverance, the necessity of self-discipline, the value of an education, faith in my Creator and the pleasure experienced by seeing a job well done. My background taught me not only to enjoy the simple pleasure of good fellowship with family, friends and church members; as well as acquaintances in my community. We even shared our meager blessings with the less fortunate of God's children, like hobos who came by looking for food. We also learned to respect and deal with the dangers of infantile paralysis, diphtheria, whooping cough, malaria, measles, mumps, hydrophobia and the hazards prevalent during those times. We learned to love God and Country by our experiences with our church and the Baptist faith. We gained a sense of patriotism and duty to country by witnessing the grief and loss experienced by our friends and neighbors who lost love ones during World War II. These combined experiences shaped my life for all time to come.


Roberto Carlos

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