
Did you know avocados and oranges help reduce belly fat? Nuts and blueberries have a protective effect on skin, bananas are a great source of energy, are mood regulating, can help reduce the effects of a hangover and if you rub the skin on a mosquito bite it decreases the itching and swelling. It is well known that most of our medical problems in this country are due to poor diets full of fatty foods and foods laden with sugar. The old adage, an apple a day keeps the doctor away has a good deal of truth behind it. We know that apples help decrease cholesterol, decrease the risk of heart disease and diabetes, help protect the brain and aid in weight loss. Many fruits and vegetables have amazing benefits which help you look and feel your best and prevent diet induced medical conditions. Adding fruits and vegetables to your diet provide many benefits. Another option to looking younger, feeling good or improving your appearance is cosmetic surgery. Todays procedures are safer and more precise and cosmetic surgery is more popular than ever, especially with baby boomers who want to look on the outside as to how they feel. Aesthetic enhancement has come a long way from when only the wealthy and movie stars had access to these procedures. Many cosmetic procedures today no longer require surgery and you can return to work the same day. Here you will find a list of fruits and vegetables and the benefits they offer in your diet as well as a list of cosmetic procedures available today, the costs and risks. Its never to late to look and feel healthy, youthful and beautiful.


Roberto Carlos

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