
The dictionary meaning of detoxification is the process of removing toxic substances or qualities and a medical treatment of an alcoholic or drug addict involving abstention from drink or drugs until the bloodstream is free of toxins. This is how detoxification is defined. According to a source, "Detoxification is a normal body process that eliminates or neutralizes toxins via the colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, lymph and skin."1From the above definitions it is quite explicit that detox drugs only deals in getting rid of the toxics that are born or made by drugs. Every medicine gives rise to toxic bodies and "repeated use of medications can weaken your detoxification organs and your body's ability to detoxify."2The definitions mentioned above are correct but they miss out one important on which this book is based. Toxins are not only created by alcohol and medicinal drugs but also by our extremely polluted environment and the daily chemically processed foods we eat. These toxins are accumulated daily because we don't live in vacuum, so, they have to be removed on daily basis as well. The medicinal methods of detoxifying are known to people for decades, but, a common man is less aware of the natural ways of removing toxins. This e-book focuses on the natural ways of getting rid of the daily toxins by fruits, water, special diets and etc. Moreover, detoxification by fruits and other natural ways is the best idea as they have no side effects, whereas, detox drugs may have side effects which the seller will not tell you in order to sell their products. Now don't get fooled by the detox drugs sellers, do your own detox by the natural detoxifiers!


Roberto Carlos

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