
The book addresses the challenge Jesus put before the disciples when they asked him to release the crowd to go home so they can get some food to eat because it became dark, but instead of releasing the people Jesus asked the disciples to feed the crowd themselves. They were unprepared, they gave all the excuses, but Jesus was serious. He fed the crowd bread, fish. Can pastors and church leaders answer to this challenge within the body of believers' context? The church needs to have an holistic approach in ministry to provide the necessary care for God's flock. The service to Jesus is expressed by the love his servant has for him. Pastors and church leaders can make great difference in believers lives to bring real change that presents the reality of the Gospel. Yes, the believers are on their way to heaven, but they still live on earth. Therefore, they have to deal with many challenges they face in their daily life in this present century. The church is not doing enough to help the people in the pews or chairs, especially the needy person, who face all kinds of challenges. A believer can worship the Lord and feel the presence of God, feel that he or she is ready to go in heaven, but that does not prevent him or her to still struggle with many issues in life such as: Emotional, family, divorce, financial, social, job, spiritual, health, physical, physiological issues just to name a few that I addressed in the book. The bible remains a great source and resource of information for the contribution of biblical leadership of the Old and New Testaments. Jesus is the owner of the church. His love for the church, his investment in the disciples make the church what it is today, his trust and his vision, mission for his church mean a lot and can challenge the pastors and church leaders to do ministry with love. The different challenges the church of Jesus-Christ face in this present century and the church needs to acknowledge and deal with them.


Roberto Carlos

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