
This is the third in a series of books based in Britain in the post Rapture period of the world's history, and forewarns of a world yet to come. A group of people are left behind on earth after all the Christians have been taken to Heaven, leaving only none believers in the Lord Jesus Christ occupying the earth. As the Christians leave the earth chaos breaks out throughout the world as planes fall from the skies, cars and trains crash as their Christian drivers are taken to Heaven, leaving many other people dead and injured. As people are removed from the earth, the worlds systems also crash, leaving the infrastructure of the whole world in chaos. The story follows the lives of a group of survivors who have become followers of Jesus Christ since the Rapture. War has broken out and the Antichrist is now in control of the World Government and its systems, he is using a system known as the Mark of the Beast, to control the buying and selling of all goods and services. This group haven't taken the Mark of the Beast and are therefore unable to buy anything. How do they manage to survive? How are they protected from the horrors that fall upon the rest of the world? How do they manage to travel around? In this book the survivors have already lived through three years of a world that has had very little food, transport or material possessions, and a great deal of tribulation, but God has promised to provide for His children. As the years have gone by, more and more of their needs are met by God's supernatural provision. See how He demonstrates His love for them by miraculous provision again and again.


Roberto Carlos

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